Sunday, November 23, 2008

Are you a warrior? If so, what is your battle?

"The Warrior" 18" x 18" Oil on Canvas

The fearless winged warrior is poised for battle with its head held high in determination. Like this character, we are faced with battles that we don’t always choose and yet have to face them with the courage of a warrior. A true warrior is not immune to fear; a true warrior is the one that is not paralyzed by fear and presses forward regardless of how improbable the victory might seem to others. In his heart, the true warrior is not a mere survivor, but a conqueror that inspires others through his fight.

Send me an email, let me know what's your battle.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Surround Yourself with Optimism

Often times we find ourselves in situations that are difficult, but if we surround ourselves with optimism, challenges tend to get solved with less stress. Sometimes we feel like all the doors are closing in front of us, but we need to keep a positive attitude and understand that the right doors will be open for us. I love an expression I heard from Dr. Wayne Dyer, which says: "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change". What a powerful message!

Now that so many of us are affected by financial challenges, some of you might be afflicted by some health issue, now is the time to keep our heads up and trust that things are going to be better. Optimism alone does not change things, optimism-induced action is the key. So make a commitment today that you will surround yourself with optimistic people, be of encouragement to others when they are feeling down and I assure you that you will be able to live a happier life, full of victories.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

So many exciting things

In February I exhibited my work at the International Art Expo in New York and the results were mind blowing. Hundreds of people expressed their love for my work and the messages contained in it.

When the year 2008 began, I claimed that it would be the year of New Beginnings. I knew that I would get married to my sweetheart Jen, I knew that I would attend Art Expo New York (AENY), but little did I know that so many great opportunities would present themselves. I am grateful to God for all the blessings he has placed in my path and for opening up my eyes to recognize them. Many times we get so busy with being busy that we miss recognizing the hidden blessings that cross our path.

On my trip to AENY, I met many wonderful people who embraced my work. Among them Legacy Fine Art, who has decided to bring my art to Las Vegas for the International Art Expo Las Vegas. This great event will feature hundreds of galleries and thousands of art collectors under one roof. The Mandalay Bay Hotel will be the host of this exciting event. If you have an opportunity to come visit our exhibition space, please do so, I would love to see you there.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Why have I not posted anything lately?

This photo is evidence of what I have been up to lately. I married my sweetheart Jennifer on 8-8-08. As you can see from the photo, we exchanged vows in front of a painting I created, which has many symbols of our union. This painting, which is the largest painting I have created in this style (4 feet wide by 6 feet tall), is now witness to our union. Visit the blog soon so that you can see the upcoming photos of this painting and the celebration. Thank you for your patience in waiting for a post, I am getting back on track and will be updating the blog and website on a regular basis now. Be blessed and stay inspired.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Starving Artist? Why not something else?

To start, I have a long history with this expression "Starving Artist". I love the expression so much (Sarcasm). But it is a good question, why choose to be an artist instead of anything else? I honestly feel that I did not choose to become an artist, I was an artist before I knew it. The crazy part was to decide to make a living at it. As many of you know, I have been living from my art since August of 2004. Many things happened to me that year, which finally opened my eyes and confirmed in my mind that living as an artist was the only choice. By the way, I have not gone a day without eating and I have God to thank for that. Because if he is caring enough to feed the flowers in the fields and the birds that cross our blue sky, How much more does he care for You and I. Whatever your dream might be, pursuit it with passion and with well intentions and God will honor his word by taking care of you.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Where is this spiral staircase going?

As some of you may know, I often paint live in front of an audience; Whether it is at the restaurant Cafe Tu Tu Tango or at various events I attend. People are fascinated by the creative process and while I was working on this painting, I received many compliments about this painting.

I don't usually share unfinished paintings through my website or blog, but I will make an exception this time. Many of the people that complimented me on this painting called it by a specific title. I would like to hear from you "what do you think was the name people gave this painting?"

Today I welcomed two friends to my studio and showed them this painting. They were very enthusiastic about how such a simple imagery could provoke such complex interpretations. I am curious to know "what is the message you derive from looking at this painting?"

Please direct your comments and questions to

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Who are my friends?

Sitting in my family room today, memories started flowing through mi mind. I remembered vividly when my father said to me many years ago "For the rest of your life, these are your friends". He was referring to my siblings; My brother Jose and My sisters Yadira and Omayra. Three of the most beautiful, caring and loving people I have ever met. Yes I have many friends, but these three hold a very special place in my heart. But I have an even stronger friend than them; The one responsible for their existence... My Father. I think of him often and thank God for blessing me into this great family. May God grant him long life, good health and happiness for being such a wonderful man.

Friday, June 06, 2008

There is Honor in Selflessness

We have all heard the expression "Good Samaritan" and understand that it refers to an individual who gives without seeking things in return. One of the strongest reminders of the honor that is brought by being selfless is when we encounter someone who helps us without showing any interest in reciprocity. Let's not wait until someone reminds us to be kind without expectations or retribution, let's be kind for kindness sake. I have met many people in my career who genuinely have expressed their desire to help me, which has been quite refreshing, since we all know that there are so many people with hidden agendas when offering their help. Where does the Honor come in here? When we can proudly lift our heads up high and recognize that we have impacted someone's life by being selfless. I challenge you today, to reach out to someone who needs help and lend a helping hand without expecting anything in return. But I hate to spoil a good ending... God will honor you by blessing you in return.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Can you do it alone? If so, Why?

What is this woman reaching for? Has she lost something over this cliff or is she reaching out to help someone out? This painting, titled "Helping Hand", is part of a collection that shows people taking risks and reaching goals in their daily life. How many times have we been in a situation where we feel we can do things by ourselves, but recognize that we need someone's hand to complete our journey. Everybody has ambitions and dreams, but those who are able to surround themselves with people who care, are the one's to reach their goals and enjoy them in good company. I encourage you to embrace a helping hand and live life making sure you are one of those important people in life who lend a helping hand without thinking of what benefits might arise out of it.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Artist Energy: The Chain Reaction of Inspiration

Today I had the chance of spending some time with some very intelligent and inspiring individuals, Pedro J. Brull and R.V. Arsdol. These two very accomplished artists in their respective careers joined me in some very motivating conversations about working with passion, reaching new heights in an artistic career and continuously learning about other artists and their impact in the art world. It was great fun to listen to their feedback about my paintings and their unique interpretation of the inspiration behind them. We will be sharing some exhibition space this weekend and as a result of today's meeting, we will be sharing on a fond memory of three, very distinct artists, with very unique lives. However, despite these individualities, there is two noticeable things we share in common... We are passionate about creating and we are strong links in this chain reaction of inspiration, provoked by the energy of creativity. Stay inspired!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Why "art with a purpose"?

Many of you at the shows have asked me "Why 'art with a purpose'?" The answer is that I feel that art can be a effective form of communication and inspiration. I feel blessed to have this talent and I want to make sure that I use it in a constructive way. So many things around us are destructive and art doesn't have to be one of them. Through the use of pictorial metaphors, I can share what I have learned in my life with other people. When people look at my art, I want them to be able to identify with the messages in each piece and feel inspired to continue growing and inspiring others. You might ask yourself "then, what's the purpose?" The purpose is to inspire and perpetuate the inspiration cycle. If you have been inspired by any of these paintings, please leave a comment or email me. I would love to hear from you.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

A night of incredible Art

A night of incredible art and great people. Today, I have enjoyed a wonderful day looking at new art and looking at a great collection inside of a fantastic environment. I leave charged with creative energy and cannot wait to begin painting tomorrow morning. listen

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Every Year Brings New Blessings

Like I have been doing every year for the past 3 years, I have given each year a name or description, which has symbolically attached a vision to each year. This practice has helped me stay focused and make those names become a reality. I called 2006 the Big Year because I had decided to make big decisions and dream big. I named 2007 "The Year of Growth" and the reach of my art, the direction of my business and the happiness within my life have reflected that proclamation.

By now, you might be wondering the theme for 2008. It is the "Year of New Beginnings". I invite you to stick around and witness the great New Beginnings that are awaiting. I also encourage each and every one of you to choose a theme for this year and live this year with that choice in mind. I guarantee you that it will change your life.

I wish you many blessings and wonderful new beginnings in 2008!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The battle against Cancer with the mighty sword of Art

This week I have received many comments about a special painting in particular. The emotional painting titled "Cancer Battle" has been a very important piece in my collection and has been an effective tool in, not only expressing my feelings towards cancer, but in provoking emotional responses in people.

I believe that emotional responses like these are what's necessary to make people push for change. To raise awareness of how important it is to contribute and work towards finding a cure.

Going after your dream and "Against the Odds"

This determined individual is about to face the riskiest challenge of his life. His motivation is unrivaled and his determination unyielding. The surface he is jumping from is replete with faces and body parts, which represents all the different obstacles and encouragements that had an influence on this characters ambitious leap. Just like we face challenges in our lives and defy the odds, this person serves as an example of encouragement to pursuit new levels of success in our personal, spiritual and intellectual endeavors.

Monday, May 12, 2008

A Mother's Day Inspiration

I can not think of a better way to celebrate mother's day than to remember my lovely mother Ada Vélez. If you didn't get a chance to meet her, I can tell you that she was the most pleasant person to spend time with. Her creativity and humor added life to every interaction and I still look up to her in that regards. I hope that I am able to honor her, not only by remembering her, but by continuing to resemble her in the things I do. A mother is someone special and unforgettable and I was lucky to have met one of the best that ever existed. Te Amo Ma'

The Beginning of Something Great

Today I embark on a new adventure. I begin sharing with you, my friends, the many experiences that arise out of this exciting life I have chosen. I say "I have chosen", but I have to admit that I really believe that God's hand is in this somehow. I often see how the supposed coincidences of life redirect my path and make my vision that much clearer. I hope that you come along with me in this thrilling adventure and accompany me through what promises to be a remarkable adventure in deed.