Friday, September 25, 2009

Ambiguous Symbolism: What's your interpretation?

Here is a sneak peek into one of my most recent paintings. I will not share the title with you yet, because I don't want to influence your interpretation. If you are familiar with my work, you already know that what is contained in this canvas is not random. The symbolism contained in this painting is very specific, but I would love to read what your interpretation is.


Please add you comments with your interpretation. I love the fact that paintings speak to people, based on their life experiences, emotions, ambitions, etc. So there is no way to be wrong. Go ahead, don't be afraid to open the gates of your mind and share your interpretation.
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Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Bronze Age: A New Artistic Era of Inspiration

Today was an awe-inspiring day, where I saw the hard work of some artists, materialize into something beautiful. While some artists use clay as their medium, others work on a much more valuable material... People. In the winter of 2008, I began dreaming about creating some sculptures inspired on my tree characters. Today I moved a step closer to realizing that dream by casting my first set of sculptures in bronze.


Among those who have helped me realize this dream are my dear Jen, who has provided me with the tools, support and focus to bring this dream to fruition. Luis Soto, who has used his many years of experience in working with sculpture and mold-making to show me a world of new possibilities. Then there is Ken Arblaster, from the Maitland Art Center, who is a master in bronze casting and was instrumental in making my bronze sculpture a reality.

These people and many of you who have always supported my artistic vision, are artists in your own right. Working in the valuable medium of human inspiration. To all of you thank you!

May you enjoy many more blessings, for being of blessing to me.
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Friday, September 11, 2009

The Artist's Late Night Shift

This is a preview of a painting I am creating for a collector. In the comfort of my family room, and the serenity of the late night, I am enjoying a calming painting session.

It was already 1:48 am when I was working on this painting and looking back now, a few months later, I have very good memories of working late. I am thankful to God for giving me this talent of for giving me the opportunity to share it with all of you.

I hope you enjoy it and share it with your friends.