Thursday, June 26, 2008

Where is this spiral staircase going?

As some of you may know, I often paint live in front of an audience; Whether it is at the restaurant Cafe Tu Tu Tango or at various events I attend. People are fascinated by the creative process and while I was working on this painting, I received many compliments about this painting.

I don't usually share unfinished paintings through my website or blog, but I will make an exception this time. Many of the people that complimented me on this painting called it by a specific title. I would like to hear from you "what do you think was the name people gave this painting?"

Today I welcomed two friends to my studio and showed them this painting. They were very enthusiastic about how such a simple imagery could provoke such complex interpretations. I am curious to know "what is the message you derive from looking at this painting?"

Please direct your comments and questions to

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Who are my friends?

Sitting in my family room today, memories started flowing through mi mind. I remembered vividly when my father said to me many years ago "For the rest of your life, these are your friends". He was referring to my siblings; My brother Jose and My sisters Yadira and Omayra. Three of the most beautiful, caring and loving people I have ever met. Yes I have many friends, but these three hold a very special place in my heart. But I have an even stronger friend than them; The one responsible for their existence... My Father. I think of him often and thank God for blessing me into this great family. May God grant him long life, good health and happiness for being such a wonderful man.

Friday, June 06, 2008

There is Honor in Selflessness

We have all heard the expression "Good Samaritan" and understand that it refers to an individual who gives without seeking things in return. One of the strongest reminders of the honor that is brought by being selfless is when we encounter someone who helps us without showing any interest in reciprocity. Let's not wait until someone reminds us to be kind without expectations or retribution, let's be kind for kindness sake. I have met many people in my career who genuinely have expressed their desire to help me, which has been quite refreshing, since we all know that there are so many people with hidden agendas when offering their help. Where does the Honor come in here? When we can proudly lift our heads up high and recognize that we have impacted someone's life by being selfless. I challenge you today, to reach out to someone who needs help and lend a helping hand without expecting anything in return. But I hate to spoil a good ending... God will honor you by blessing you in return.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Can you do it alone? If so, Why?

What is this woman reaching for? Has she lost something over this cliff or is she reaching out to help someone out? This painting, titled "Helping Hand", is part of a collection that shows people taking risks and reaching goals in their daily life. How many times have we been in a situation where we feel we can do things by ourselves, but recognize that we need someone's hand to complete our journey. Everybody has ambitions and dreams, but those who are able to surround themselves with people who care, are the one's to reach their goals and enjoy them in good company. I encourage you to embrace a helping hand and live life making sure you are one of those important people in life who lend a helping hand without thinking of what benefits might arise out of it.