Thursday, June 26, 2008

Where is this spiral staircase going?

As some of you may know, I often paint live in front of an audience; Whether it is at the restaurant Cafe Tu Tu Tango or at various events I attend. People are fascinated by the creative process and while I was working on this painting, I received many compliments about this painting.

I don't usually share unfinished paintings through my website or blog, but I will make an exception this time. Many of the people that complimented me on this painting called it by a specific title. I would like to hear from you "what do you think was the name people gave this painting?"

Today I welcomed two friends to my studio and showed them this painting. They were very enthusiastic about how such a simple imagery could provoke such complex interpretations. I am curious to know "what is the message you derive from looking at this painting?"

Please direct your comments and questions to

1 comment:

Pancake Queen said...

The path is clear,
I am going somewhere,
But is that the way I want eventually?

I really love your art!