Thursday, July 31, 2008

Starving Artist? Why not something else?

To start, I have a long history with this expression "Starving Artist". I love the expression so much (Sarcasm). But it is a good question, why choose to be an artist instead of anything else? I honestly feel that I did not choose to become an artist, I was an artist before I knew it. The crazy part was to decide to make a living at it. As many of you know, I have been living from my art since August of 2004. Many things happened to me that year, which finally opened my eyes and confirmed in my mind that living as an artist was the only choice. By the way, I have not gone a day without eating and I have God to thank for that. Because if he is caring enough to feed the flowers in the fields and the birds that cross our blue sky, How much more does he care for You and I. Whatever your dream might be, pursuit it with passion and with well intentions and God will honor his word by taking care of you.

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