Tuesday, July 28, 2009

"Fruit of Our Love" and Fruit of Our Garden

What an inspiring thing to see God working and providing for us through so many amazing channels. Never could I imagine the pride and joy it would bring me to be able to eat from the land that surrounds me. God has provided for me and my family and now I enjoy the fruit of our land through the bountiful harvest of some home-grown organic tomatoes.

Our hard working little plant has not stopped producing tomatoes this summer, almost as a lesson to me to continue working hard regardless of how merciless the sun can be on my back. Warmed by the relentless sun but inspired by the perfection in this cycle of life. It surprises me how soil, which might have looked devoid of nutrients at one point, can be the fertile ground for the satisfying fruit of our labor.

In this photo, I am holding just today's harvest in front of my most recent painting titled "The Fruit of Our Love". It is a celebration of the miracle of birth and the circle of life. Share this painting with all of those who have been blessed by having a child or are expecting a new addition to the family. I hope you enjoy it.

Be blessed,

Juan "One" Sepulveda

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