I am currently working on a painting that is inspired in both my love of castles and the pride I feel to be the person I am. I am proud, not for my accomplishments or my possessions, but for the blessings I have received while trying to be of blessing to others. I have a beautiful family, health and great memories. The castle in this painting, which is not finished yet, is representative of the strength we employ in protecting our family. One of the greatest things we can do in this life is to become comparable to a great building, which has been carefully crafted upon a solid foundation. A castle is the ultimate symbol of achievement and power; similarly, when we work hard in perfecting the building of our character, we become as symbols that remind others to exceed their own expectations through faith, hard work and perseverance. Just like my painting, I am a work in progress, and hope to serve as inspiration to others and a protector to my family.
Here is a glimpse at the castle in the painting. I will later reveal a complete image once the painting is finished. I hope you enjoy it.
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