Thursday, May 15, 2008

Every Year Brings New Blessings

Like I have been doing every year for the past 3 years, I have given each year a name or description, which has symbolically attached a vision to each year. This practice has helped me stay focused and make those names become a reality. I called 2006 the Big Year because I had decided to make big decisions and dream big. I named 2007 "The Year of Growth" and the reach of my art, the direction of my business and the happiness within my life have reflected that proclamation.

By now, you might be wondering the theme for 2008. It is the "Year of New Beginnings". I invite you to stick around and witness the great New Beginnings that are awaiting. I also encourage each and every one of you to choose a theme for this year and live this year with that choice in mind. I guarantee you that it will change your life.

I wish you many blessings and wonderful new beginnings in 2008!

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