Tuesday, July 28, 2009

"Fruit of Our Love" and Fruit of Our Garden

What an inspiring thing to see God working and providing for us through so many amazing channels. Never could I imagine the pride and joy it would bring me to be able to eat from the land that surrounds me. God has provided for me and my family and now I enjoy the fruit of our land through the bountiful harvest of some home-grown organic tomatoes.

Our hard working little plant has not stopped producing tomatoes this summer, almost as a lesson to me to continue working hard regardless of how merciless the sun can be on my back. Warmed by the relentless sun but inspired by the perfection in this cycle of life. It surprises me how soil, which might have looked devoid of nutrients at one point, can be the fertile ground for the satisfying fruit of our labor.

In this photo, I am holding just today's harvest in front of my most recent painting titled "The Fruit of Our Love". It is a celebration of the miracle of birth and the circle of life. Share this painting with all of those who have been blessed by having a child or are expecting a new addition to the family. I hope you enjoy it.

Be blessed,

Juan "One" Sepulveda

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Creativity Fueled by Caffeine

Like a strict commitment, a cup of coffee accompanies me to the studio every morning. It has been a faithful companion for many years now, but recently my morning companion took on some new responsibilities... It became an artistic medium.

This painting is made entirely out of coffee and ink on a distressed watercolor paper. I loved the freedom of painting and making a mess, while creating something beautiful. I thoroughly enjoyed creating this piece and hope you like it as well. Please add your comments below.

Be blessed,

Juan "One" Sepulveda

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The courage to keep walking

I am thankful to God for the doors he closes before me to protect me and guide me to those doors which will be more beneficial. I am thankful for the times that I have been disappointed and quickly realize that there is an alternate path for me. I am thankful for the moments where things don't seem to be going my way, but in reality they are.

Make sure that as you walk your path, you make a strong effort to stay conscious of the fact that out of all the doors available, only those that will help you in your path will be open. That those not mean that the outcome of walking through those open doors will always be pleasant, it means that it is a small contribution in the overall fulfillment of your life's plan.

I encourage you to think about this painting when doors close before you, as I have for many years now. Think of yourself in this situation, where no matter how many doors close in front of you, the correct opportunities await you. This painting has proven to be such a helpful tool in my life and hopefully it becomes an important aid in yours as well.

Be blessed,

Juan "One" Sepúlveda